
Manny's Saga

For three days the air waves have been 'abuzz
Red Sox Nation has been stirred into a frenzy
From near and far they voice their opinion because
Their much maligned Manny was simply being Manny

Some say trade him cause he's a bum
He doesn't hustle when he hits a grounder
Someone interviews Papi, he says it's dumb
All we're being offered is just another flounder

Some say we'll put up with his shenanigans
As long as he keeps producing with his bat
He'll take the team to the World series again
Please Theo, we don't want Manny wearing a Met's hat

As the team prepares for the light hitting Twins
A cloud of rumors hangs over some players
With Manny out of the lineup, it's tough to win
A group decides to involve the mayor

Menino decides to take matters into his hands
Picks up the phone and places a call
"Larry", he says, "what are you doing to the fans?
It's ok if Manny does wee wee in the wall."

Ever the shrewd and savy politician
"You owe me a favor", he reminded Lucchino
"Go to John Henry and seek his permission
To give more playing time to Tony Graffanino."

Henry and Werner called on mayor Menino
They heard his requests and also his pleas
Manny and Francona would meet with Lucchino
And agree to be given the new rest room keys.

Manny was happy and said all was a mistake
"Boston is the home of my great legacy
There's been a misunderstanding, there's no one I hate
I just ask that you give my family some privacy."

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