

Maybe you think I’m out of step, not in tune with the times, maybe you see things differently from me, but what I see as a difference maker nowadays is people using their common sense. Society slowly but surely with the help of some greedy lawyers is telling the masses that they don’t have to be responsible for their actions. They send the message that they don’t have to be held accountable for making the wrong choices. They send many of the weak-minded the message that says to them, it’s ok if you made a mistake or chose to do something that would get you in trouble, were here to help you. We’ll sue.

I have no problem with lawyers taking on big corporations or industries like the tobacco companies and taking them to task for selling a product that’s injurious to your health and may even cause death. I smoked for many years by my choice and continued to smoke even after the bombardment of warnings stating that cigarette smoking leads to cancer. I made a choice to stop when I finally came to the realization that it was doing damage to my body. I made the choice, it was not made by my lawyer. The only way he would give me advice is if I payed him. Now they come looking for the injured, the sick, the obese and the dumb so they can exploit them to make money.

I have no problem suing the tobacco companies if we find that they intentionally put something in cigarettes that made them addictive. If they did something that made it difficult to stop using it then I say go for the jugular.

Maybe I should do more research before I start ranting but yesterday’s story in the Washington Post made me think about responsibility. The story, “Lawyers Ready Suit Over Soda,” is about the case that is being built linking obesity to the sale of soda in schools.

Watch out on Hanover Street, because I’m getting a lawyer to sue the pastry shops for selling me all those cannolis that have made me fat. I need someone to protect me because I can’t use my common sense to say no to things that are not good for me.

What is the school’s responsibility in the matter? Did someone force them into putting soda machines in their facilities? Did someone pay them a visit and say, “Mr. Principal, we want you to place these soda machines in your school otherwise we’re gonna break a yo legs?”

When are people going to start taking responsibility for their actions and stop trying to turn the tables. Who’s telling these kids to drink all the soda that they do? Do they offer Health education classes in school nowadays or are they too busy teaching them about alternative lifestyles?

No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible - Voltaire

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