

Thanksgiving day has come and gone and we have seen many things stuffed. Many stuffed the bird and then proceeded to stuff themselves with some of that stuffing. After the ritual of stuffing the bird and then their stomachs many proceeded to venture out at some ungodly hour to wait in line for the stores that sell all kinds of stuff to purchase some more stuff to stuff their homes with.

Picture the reaction of some aliens who have wandered over this land on this day as they observe the frenzy of activity of people leaving their homes late at night and early in the morning. All they observe is hordes of people lugging boxes and bags full of stuff out of these big buildings and into their Vans and SUV's. In some areas they even see fighting over the stuff.

A day once set aside for families to gather and give thanks has now evolved into a day of training and strategizing to see how best they can be one of the first to get stuff that's been sent to this country from different parts of the world. It is not terrorism or global warming that will do this country in; no, it's going to be the weight of all this stuff that they cannot do without. They are never satisfied as I don't ever hear them say, 'I'm stuffed."

We have become the United States full of stuff.

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