It’s entertaining watching our former Governor get twisted like a pretzel as he finds the need to change his mind in accordance to what the latest polls reveal. His political team has tried its best to make stiff Mitt look more like the George Bush type by having him throw away his suit coat and tie and put him in a pair of blue jeans. He is probably one great guy and a good family man; his team might find many photo ops with babies or try to place Mitt in a local diner to make him look like one of the guys but he always looks like he is out place and out of touch with the likes of Joe the plumber.
A story in the NY Times today once again has Mitt shifting courses – he’s finally feeling enough pressure that he is now willing to release his tax returns this week. The reason he’s doing it is because of a restive Republican party. I can see why the party has become impatient and uneasy as it looks at the woeful group of candidates. Is this the best they can do? Once again, unless we have someone rising to form a third party, we will have to make a choice of the lesser of two evils.

Then we have these two super PACs with some really lame names. The one backing Romney is Restore Our Future and the one supporting Gingrich is called Winning Our Future. Can someone explain to me how one goes about restoring and/or winning the future? The future as I know it to be is a time that is to be or come hereafter and to restore means to return to an original or former condition while winning is gaining victory. How can we accomplish either one to a time that is to be, for that matter might never come?
When all is said and done and end up shoveling all this manure what is left behind in each state is that nothing has or will change.
Will Rogers was saying similar things eighty years ago;"This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it. That we have carried as much political bunk as we have and still survived shows we are a super nation.
"Congress is so strange; a man gets up to speak and says nothing, nobody listens, and then everybody disagrees."
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