
Social Interaction?

I was riding on the Green Line from Cleveland Circle to North Station, Boston during rush hour last night and I was literally mesmerized at seeing all the young people (to me anyone under forty) attached to these little personal electronic devices. The trolley was packed and I had approximately thirty to forty people in view. I would venture a good guess estimate and say that at least 75% of these people were busy listening via headphones and clicking away on their hand held device. I couldn’t believe how fast the young woman in front of me was tapping away on this tiny keyboard.

Some people were seriously engrossed while a few would smile occasionally at what they were either viewing or reading. One young couple seemed to be communicating strictly through their devices even though the young man was standing right in front of her. The only voices that could be heard was the one that announced each stop, a Hispanic speaking woman on her cell phone and some chatter from three Asian students. A few years ago the trolley would be filled with many people conversing with each other; today they are all captivated and hooked on to their personal electronic devices.

No I haven’t been in a cave, it’s just that the route I normally take, the Orange Line, the ridership is of a different makeup of society and I don’t see the preponderance of these devices as I saw riding through a very affluent area that is also inhabited by many college students.

The main difference between these two lines is the noticeable lack of conversation on the Green Line in comparison to the Orange Line. Are we losing the art of conversation as we once knew it?

I’m all for new technology. I just wonder what price we will pay in the near future. Only time will tell.

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