
Lilac Sunday - May 13

I'm fortunate to live less than two miles from what makes up part of Boston's Emerald Necklace, the Arnold Arboretum. Over the years it has become sort of a sanctuary for me as I can within minutes of entering the many gates find solace and comfort and peace.  Borrowing the lyrics from an old Drifters' song; 

I keep a-tellin’ you
Right smack dab in the middle of town
I’ve found a paradise that's trouble proof

At the arboretum and not the roof

So when this world starts getting me down
I find that there's room enough for two, two hundred, two thousand, etc.

Sunday, May 13, will find thousands flocking there for the annual celebration of the flowering of its spectacular collection of species and hybrid lilacs, which I'm told now number some 375 plants of 180 different kinds. This is the only plant that gets its own special day, the only day that the Arboretum allows for vendors and picnicking. This is also the Sunday that's put aside each year in celebration of Mothers and many families do come and visit with their moms.

This year's early mild weather has encouraged many plants in the collection to flower early but their season of color and scent generally extends a five week period.

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