
From "The Groucho Letters"

The following are snippets from the book, "The Groucho Letters"

"In honor of your fifty years with the railroad I present you with these ties." ~ Goodman Ace

"I am also working on a long fly for short-armed men's trousers."

"There is a town so dull up here the tide went out one day and never came back in"

"The funny story turned out to be one about the man who was saying grace in a low voice - somebody at the table said, 'I can't hear you.' The man said, 'I wasn't talking to you." ~ Fred Allen

"The hour draws late and my domestics are champing at the bit. They have chilled the rare wines, warmed the ambrosia and I can only tell you that another indescribable evening awaits me."

Written to Earl Wilson on 1/17/62 was prophetic -

"The last days of the newspapers seem to be rushing toward us with frightening speed."

Advice to Phil Silvers -

"So look smart, be smart, and remember .... in Union there is alimony."

This creed Death uses for his text:
"No one is better than the next;"
So Death is, quite ironically
The only true democracy.

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