
Where have they gone?

There must be something wrong with my TV. Although I don't watch much TV other that a Red Sox game and at that it is only for a few innings, I just realized that I haven't seen our Vice President in four or five months. Has something happened to Dick Cheney? Is he still the VP? Or have all the news outlets filtered him out of the limelight?

Sometimes it seems the White House brings him out like my mother used to bring out the good china only when someone of importance would come over. Well, aren't we of importance? Where is he hiding? He seems to have gone the same road as Anthrax.

Speaking of Anthrax, what happened to the investigation for finding out who was involved in sending this deadly chemical throught the mail? Are we going to locate Whitey Bulger before we find out anything about the Anthrax debacle?

At one point, only a year or two ago, I remember that hearing Cheney and about Anthrax would send people looking for cover. He painted a picture of gloom and doom and Anthrax frightened many an unsuspecting postal worker. I'm certain that within 5 years from now a new Bob Woodward type will surface with the truth about both.

These things bother me because it didn't take long for them to disappear from our radar screen.
Cheney and Anthrax, Cheney and Anthrax, where are they? Why have we not heard anything about either?


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