
"Oil Addicts Anonymous"

As the oil continues to spill into the Gulf of Mexico the frustrations and anger are being levied against BP execs, the Bush administration's self-regulating policies of corporations, Obama etc.

Remember the old adage about when you point your finger at someone, there are always three pointing back at you. How can we not take responsibility? As someone recently mentioned, we are addicted to oil. We have not been good custodians of one of the greatest gifts given to us, the earth and all that it contains to sustain our life.

Many of us are having a hard time weaning ourselves off oil to the point that it can be classified as an addiction; an addiction just as destructive if not more so than alcohol, gambling, smoking and drugs.

Recently a group formed "Oil Addicts Anonymous," and I would like to offer you their 12 Step Program;

1. Admit we have a problem
2. Acknowledge our need for help
3. Decide to change our ways
4. Examine our lifestyle
5. Admit our lifestyle is unsustainable
6. List all species and habitats we have harmed
7. Reconcile with Mother Earth
8. Walk more
9. Buy less, buy local
10. Use public transportation
11. Spread the word
12. Be an agent for nonviolent change

Remember - Live simply so others may simply live. If you are too wrapped up with greed and don't care about others, remember that some of these others are also your children and grandchildren who are going to be left financially sound but ecologically bankrupt. How long is it going to take the Gulf and surrouding areas to recover? I guess money can always insulate you and you can live in a bubble.

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