
Is It safe to Drive in the Big Dig?


The link above is to a story from Saturday’s (3/19/11) edition posted on Boston.com; “Big Dig Facing Hurdles in Trying to Recover Damages for Lights”

Okay, I know I’m getting older and I’m starting to lose brain cells so please help me and tell me that I’m not losing my mind also. Bear with me as I spare you from getting acida. I had to read this three or four times to make sure I got the gist of what is going on.

From Scott Allen’s report which I assume is factual there was an incident in the O’Neil tunnel on the morning of February 8 where an eight-foot long light fixture fell from the ceiling. Luckily we are told that no vehicles were damaged.

This triggered an inspection of all the 23,000 lights that hang overhead in the Big Dig tunnels. On Wednesday, March 16, as the city was donning its green to celebrate good old St. Patrick, Transportation Secretary Mullan revealed that the light fixture had advanced corrosion in the rail that attaches it to the ceiling and that 300 other lights show some sign of corrosion.

Ok, let me recap. One light fell well over a month ago and no one other that Mullan and some choice others knew about this. They also discover 300 others with corrosion and what do they do?

The first question I had after reading those facts was, is it safe to drive through there? Just because one fell and didn’t hit a vehicle what assurance do we have that one of those other 300 with corrosion isn’t going to fall? Are we waiting for another person(s) to be killed?

The article never addressed those questions and it leads to beg for more answers as to why was the public kept in the dark? What actions are in place to make sure that unsafe conditions are not brought to light as soon as they come to light? Why hasn’t anybody been reprimanded?

All the article does is address the legal hurdles the state faces in trying to recover damages. That is the least of my concerns at this time. What about the hurdles some unsuspecting driver might have to face when another fixture falls? I want someone to tell me if it’s ok to drive through there without fearing for my life. I want someone to take some action

I don’t feel any safer after Gov. Patrick told me, “and I think the secretary has acknowledged that the right thing to do is to inform the public sooner.’’ I worry when you guys just think. Wow, nice going gov, I feel a lot better now. Now Johnny go to bed with no supper, would have made me feel better.

The article ends with the following; “This week, I was reminded again of the importance of decisions we make every day and the public’s concern about those decisions,’’ he wrote. “I was also made very aware of the fact that, as the Secretary of Transportation and the CEO of the DOT, I am ultimately responsible for what happens in this organization. That’s why it is so important to me that we all understand our mission and our responsibilities to the public. When a light falls in one of our tunnels, the public deserves to know.’’

You’ve got to be kidding me. You had to be reminded again? I would expect this to come out of the mouth of an eight year old. I wonder if you have to be reminded of when you get paid. Now Johnny you let mommy know when the toilet paper runs out, ok?

Are you kidding me? Is it April 1st already? Is this an April fool's joke?

Let me remind you again that I have yet to get an answer to the question; is it safe to drive through the Big Dig?

Someone that’s read the article, please tell me that I haven’t lost all my marbles, please.

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