
Someone in the Red Sox Organization is Lying

Let me state up front that I was never a big fan of the current Red Sox owners form day 1 when they were given preference over another group who wanted to purchase the club.

As soon as I started to warm up somewhat to this group they quickly let me down. It was evident that they were jealous of the "empire" that was New York and they would soon try and mimick that organization. This would eventually cause them to price their product out of my reach and would change Fenway primarily as the in place to be seen with baseball as the backdrop. Die-hard baseball fans were soon replaced by the casual "pink hats" who had not sufferred the many heartbreaks of previous years.

I credit them with their successful runs in making the playoffs but I'm sorry to say that this all came at a price. Lately it seems that ownership is more focused on diversifying their portfolio and has either taken their eyes off the ball or they just don't care because they know that people will dish out good money and fill Fenway each and every game day.

What is disturbing about this organization is that there is a bad apple or two who lack class. They seem to have a hard time with anyone who decides to leave the organization. It doesn't matter how much the person leaving has contributed to the team's past success they are quickly painted as bad characters upon departure.

I know this is just speculation on my part but the recent fiasco with manager Terry Francona's departure has me wondering why did his name have to be smeared? Why did certain personal issues have to be put out on New England's clothes line? Why did he get thrown under the proverbial bus?

To my knowledge, he left with class, taking most of the blame for the team's collapse. Yes he was responsible in many ways for enabling these high priced players. So what did he do to merit such an
unceremonious departure?

It's apparent that his comment that he didn't receive help from above seems to have really bothered someone in that organization. It seems that Terry was dealing with more than personal issues. I wonder if he found out that some of his players, who had lost respect for the game,  were being protected by ownership. I wonder if some of these fair haired boys didn't run to ownership and rat on Francona. What didn't they help him with? What was he asking for?

Isn't it interesting how ownership has had numerous press conferences and leaks to the press as they go full court press on damage control.

I find it really puzzling why we haven't heard from the players? It seemed as if Terry bent backwards to appease a number of these spoiled millionaires who play a sport for a living and make it sound that they are really overburdened by travel schedules and night games etc. (Give me a break!!) Where are the veterans such as Veritek (aka the captain), Wakefield, Ortiz et al?

The silence from the players is very telling. The little snip its from Crawford, ("go ask the captain,") and Pedroia and even Ortiz who hinted at the mess has lifted the shade only an inch making it hard to see what was really happening in that clubhouse. It seems as if it's so bad that they don't even want to talk about it or maybe they are being told not to say anything. It's hard to believe that ownership had no idea of the beer video and why isn't MLB investigating how the protected Red Sox logos were allowed to be used without approval. For a group that seems to know all the dirt on their employees, it's hard to swallow the excuse that no one knew anything. I would have like to have seen the faces on a few of them once they found out that Henry was having unprotected discourse with of all people the competitors, Felger and Mazz. Listening a little bit to WEEI in the days after, you could sense the outrage that he granted this impromptu visit to the competitors. For the little he told us, I give Henry credit for having the cogliones to go on the air and answer some questions solely on his own.

I can't believe than no coach has gone to bat for Terry. I'm sure they saw some of what was going on.
Someone up above has no problem smearing Francona but in time as Terry's clothes dry out on the line
the other Red Sox dirty and filthy laundry is either going to have to be washed or thrown out. I can sense a lot of denial coming down the pike as things get aired out. Are the likes of Becket and Lackey going to sing once and if they are let go? There could be a lot of blackmailing going on. This is the byproduct of dishonesty and attempts at character assassination.

It's no wonder why I haven't seen an old timers game in Fenway in years.

Let's see what happens when Theo leaves. I can sense some more shoes dropping.

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