
Some People Never Know When To Quit

It was fitting and also sad to see what appeared to be Roger Clemens' final game (if he tries another come back he's a fool) with the sinking ship known as the New York Yankees.

Instead of leaving when he was still on top of his game, he chose to come back for one more time.
He went out like a damaged and wounded prized race horse. There was no more fight in him. The only fight in him was in chasing the multi-million dollar carrot of a contract that he basically stole from good old George. He led a group of tired and aged players (Matsui, Posada, Jeter, Giambi, Mussina and Rivera) quickly into the sunset.

Roger made a mistake by coming back for one more time with the Yankees; he should have come back with the team he started with - the Red Sox. He would have fit in nicely as a spot starter and he would have ended his career in a positive note; maybe even reaching the World Series again. Imagine Roger on the mound at Fenway Park with thousands cheering him on as he helped them to their second title in three years.

No, Roger was too greedy and stubborn and is now leaving with his head between his legs. He has no one to blame but himself. What a shame to see one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history leave like he did.

He has taken the Yankee dynasty down. How fitting that the two teams from New York with exorbitant payrolls couldn't buy their way to the World Series.

Let's see if the high priced Red Sox are able to overcome the very modestly priced franchises that are now competing with them.

My allegiance is with the Davids and not the Goliaths. Good luck Cleveland, Arizona and Colorado.

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