It seems that many Americans are living in another dimension. Given the habits of many, they seem to have this distorted notion that America still controls everything.
Even with many experts barking at their doors telling them that they are one of the major causers of the worlwide green house effect, they choose not to listen. They continue to buy gas guzzling cars like trucks and SUVs even though gas prices are predicted to reach $3.50/gal.
The hypocrisy of these people can be seen when they ban prayer in schools or object to the use of the word Christmas because they wan't to protect their children but never think of the world that they're leaving behind for "their children" by being the gluttenous consumers of all the earth's resources.
Did anyone listen to the reports that came out a few months ago about how the city of Atlanta was down to just a three month's supply of drinking water?
Has anyone payed attention to the beating that the once almighty and coveted dollar has taken and is now rendered worthless in the face of the Euro? Even the Canadian dollar is worth more than ours.
Has anyone noticed at the number of foreign concerns that are snapping up all the high priced real estate in this country?
I'm afraid that our children are going to pay a heavy price for all our gluttony.
So continue to buy bigger cars, and bigger houses and continue to use more and more of the earth's natural resources and soon you'll really be proud to be an Amer....
You see there will be no more America as we know it today.
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