
Do They Think We're All Dumb?

On one hand I'm fascinated by the current Presidential campaigns (both parties) and yet on the other I'm really disgusted as I see that we are going to be left with very little to choose from.

As I listen to all these panderers talk, I come away with the same feeling - THEY ARE NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING DIFFERENT THAN THEIR PREDECESSORS.

All I hear is SOUND BITES, little snipets of information that are based on empty promises. I would trust someone who can come out and tell me that I'm a crook and I'm going to take more of your money during the next four years; at least he's told me something. I wouldn't trust any of these characters with watching my cat never my country.

The Republicans top three contenders, Pastor Mike (Huckabee), Pretty Boy Floyd (Romney), and Louie the Lisp (Giuliani) have resorted to mudslinging and have offered very little. Of these three, the only one that's not afraid to speak his mind is Huckabee although I'm getting a little tired of his bible quotes for every subject he talks about.

The Republicans have made religion and who is closer to God the primary focus of their campaign, so of course Pastor Mike has taken the lead in Red states like Iowa.

On the other side of the fence we are also left with three so called front runners. There's Dame Rodham (Hillary), Sir Hencealot (Obama), and Hot potato in the mouth (Edwards).Can you imagine a final with Romney and Edwards; this would be a dream come true for all the hair stylists in the country. The focus on the left side of the table is now on experience. Dame Rodham's experience is showing in that she's had to take Bill down from the mantle and put him to use.

On one side the wrestling match is over religion on the other it's over experience. In the meantime we hear very little about what really matters, Iraq, the economy, immigration, health care, education, environment, social security etc. etc..

I know that many have already made up their mind on who they are going to vote for but not all Americans are dumb to be dragged into the mud piles that the front runners have created.

Maybe people such as McCain and Biden will get a better look. The media is steering people away from them and I ask you why?

Answer - because with the exception of Huckabee the remaining five have a lot of money to spend.

America, this isn't a sporting event nor is it a beauty pageant, it's your chance to elect a person who will lead this country out of the muck that it's been stuck in for the last six years. We need someone who will unite us to reclaim the stature that this great nation is quickly losing.

Please don't swallow the sound bites - do your homework and really find out what each candidate is all about. Choose wisely whether it be Republican or Democrat.

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