As much as I want to warm up to Republicans, fiascos such as the one that took place yesterday on national TV make me want to vomit. I'm appalled at seeing my tax money wasted on hearings that have no importance to the nation. You are the laughing stock of the world. You send innocent men and women to risk their lives for the cause of nation building while our nation slowly crumbles to the ground under the weight of our do-nothing Congress.
Republicans and Democrats once again split equally along party lines when it came to asking the pertinent questions. Republicans lined up with the rich and famous Roger Clemens while the Democrats lined up with an ex-cop who has very little.
Americans if they can stand it should require more open meetings of our illustrious congress bozos (I can't even call them people) that way they can see for themselves without the public relations work of people such Lush Bimbaugh, Hans Seannity and Cal Houlter how pathetic and inefficient they really are.
Bravo for exposing how ignorant you are (one woman didn't even though the difference between regimen and regime).
Thanks for helping to make my mind up for who I'm going to vote for this fall.
By the way, who influenced the Republicans in to tossing soft ball type questions to Mr. Clemens?
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