Lush Bimbaugh and his DIDNO heads are at it again. Faced with the prospect of their party being voted out of the White House, Lush and his loyal listening lapdogs are trying to raise havoc in the remaining Democratic primaries.
These rich, radical and bored buffoons have resorted to another demented Karl rovian prank. It's obvious that they are so out of tune with their middle of the road candidate who is about to sell them down the river that they must get their jollies off by switching parties and voting for Billary.
As a naturalized citizen, I sit back and watch how these right wing radicals rage war against their own country and then throw blame on the liberals. They are the ones that have put a wedge right in the hearts of Americans. They are the ones who LIED and brought us into the state where in now. They want to create chaos in the remaining primaries? Maybe they should wake up and see the CHAOS that the country is in on all fronts.
I pity the poor bastard that's going to inherit the mess made by Cheney and company.
Someone should come out with a cartoon depicting Bush and Cheney riding off into the sunset much like Don Quixote and Sancho Panza leaving behing a large trail of horse manure. The next frame will show Lush Bimbaugh following them proclaiming that the horse manure is really manna from heaven.
America wake up and smell the manure. We are being overun by DIDNO heads who watch a "fair and balanced" news channel and listen to someone who tells them the "natural truth."
You see even what they spew has to be quantified as something broadcast to the"best and brightest." The rest of you are listening to unnatural truth and are watching unfair and unbalanced news. To them you are basically the dumbest and dopiest and they want to get rid of you from their land.
God save the Queen!
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