
Just Wondering

Do you ever wonder why the so called "right wing" shows have to put a label on everything. They even have to clarify their own shows. Here are three that I can think of off the top of my head;

1. There's a guy on cable who claims, "He's looking out for you." Wow I'm impressed, I used to think that only family and friends cared enough about me. While he's looking out for me, he's amassed a fortune doing it. So, who is he really looking out for?

2. Local talk radio broadcast two shows that have me scratching my head whenever I hear the label they have tagged themselves with. One is the 'natural' truth; the host repeatedly tells us that we are listening to the 'natural' truth. What is 'natural' truth? Is it organic? Where does that leave other shows? Have I been listening to unnatural truth?

3. The afternoon counterpart for this is a show targeted for what they call, 'the best and brightest.' They are "best and brightest" because of their Republican leanings, leaving all others that don't agree with their opinion as the 'worst and dopiest.'

Now I realize why the three have had to supply a moniker. They find it necessary to explain to their audience what they are listening to because the audience cannot figure it our for themselves. I'm glad they did because I would never have guessed it on my own. Could've fooled me!!

As I watched a General recently testifying before congress, I couldn't help asking myself if the number of medals and stars were in direct proportion to his credibility. One star, not so much credibility, three stars, much more credible and five stars would put him in the infallible galaxy,
Sort of reminds me of kindergarten where the teacher would give you a star just for neatness. I bet you that general was given an additional star or medal or chevron just for testifying in front of "tough" inquisitors.

Turning to the world of sports where Boston has become the sports capital of America at the expense of the average schmo; the four major league franchises, Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics and Bruins all making the playoffs not to mention the lowly thought of Revolution.

I ask the 'best and brightest,' or "pink hats," or Red Sox "Nation" what would make you pay $2500 for a seat?

With a slew of Canadian fans swarming on the Garden, Boston is getting its own taste of medicine that "Red Sox Nation" has dished out to other cities over the last few years. Damm Boston, you deserve it!

I better be careful, otherwise I'm going to be labeled as a spacist.

But why worry, I can always tell the "natural" truth and say I mis spoke ot that I'm missing a spoke or two from my bicycle wheel.

Oh well, sorry, I have to go. Time to watch the news on the 'Fair and Balanced" channel.

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