Ever since Governor (Yes We Can) Patrick banged heads with Sal (No He Can't) DiMasi over the casino proposal and lost, the news media has started to report on some alleged improprieties tied to his Honah the Speekah.
The most recent story involves a friend of the Speekah who supposedly got a special favor for doing a favor. Hey, what's wrong with that? You scratch my palm and I'll scratch yours has been going on since Caesar's time and I don't mean the little one from Southie whose bilking us to the tune of 200 Gs/yr. while playing Mickey the dunce as to his brother's whereabouts.
Back to the present day opera that's been reported by the Globe. The whole misunderstanding as Mr. Speekah would like you to believe is summed up in the song that goes like this;
"You say toMAYto, and I say toMAHto,
You say poTAYto, and Isay poTAHto,
You say lobbyist and I say strategist,
Let's call the whole thing off."
A recent radio talk show caller pointed out how the Governor is elected by the people yet the Speaker is elected by his peers. Since the Speaker wields so much power or equal to the Governor isn't it time that the law be changed that the people also get the power to elect a candidate for that position?
Doesn't it say somewhere that, ".. government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
It's time to set term limits for ALL elected offices. Anything that hangs around for more than eight to twelve years starts to stink.
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