Let me start out by saying that I'm neither a fan of A-Rod nor an apologist. I believe that everyone is given many choices in life and the decisions they make are theirs and they should be held accountable for such.
The problem I have and have had all along with the steroid issue in particularly baseball is why castrate a handful of players. It seems like they have been offered up as sacrificial lambs by both union officials and management in hopes of pacifying all those who are always "looking out for the children."
When are some of the greedy owners going to be brought onto the carpet to answer the question as to why they looked the other way when this was part of what appears to be a baseball culture. What about the commissioner? Don't tell me that he is and was so naive as to what was going on. They all knew it and now they make it look like that their hands are squeaky clean of this mess. They might as well have been the ones sticking the needles into these players.
I'll never forget the coverage that ESPN and the likes were providing during the home run race between Sammy Sosa nad Mark McGwire. They didn't care that these two popeye look alikes were doing damage to their bodies then because baseball was making a resurgence. People were coming out in droves, attendance was up, viewership was up which meant increased $$$$ for baseball.
You see when it comes to the pursuit of money (greed) everything appears and is projected to be fair game. Now years later they are forced to see the errors of their way. Just like Pontius Pilate, they turned over the mess that they didn't want to clean up over to Congress who were led by none other than Arlen Specter. What a joke!!!!
The baseball purists are upset because the steroid era has cast a shadow over the one area that people have used all along to compare the greats - statistics. I remember as a kid that for years we we're trying to get used to Roger Maris breaking the immortal Ruth's record. For years the name Maris was synonomous with the asterisk. Now they want to wipe out or asterisk a certain time frame and call into question the achievements of such.
Why? Because now all of a sudden the taking of a performance enhancing drugs is deemed by society to be illegal? Well, why don't we ban caffeene, or alcohol or energy bars for that matter? How do we know that those won't be harmful to "the children?"
Do you know what's really harmful to "the children?" It's all those commercials that you bombard them with. It's using star players to promote all the junk stuff that's harmful to their health, such as soda. It's not steroids that are hurting "the children," but the alarming use of corn syrup and all the other sugary elements that are in the foods and drinks that they see your stars advertise.
Mr. Baseball Commissioner stop playing games with the steroid issue. Admit that you were part of the problem, and then do us a favor and resign and let's move on. This drip, drip, effect that you are causing is torture. You've thrown out A-Rod and now we wait for the next debacle that will occur with Barry Bonds. Spare us this next chapter whose ending we've know for years, that is everybody but you. Stop being in denial - YOU were part of the problem, so take the RESPONSIBILITY.
We need a commissioner who plays with real baseBALLS.
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