We're finally starting to see some passion in people as we get closer to the election of a new president. The battleground is now very close to home (neighboring state of NH), and we can smell the smoke from the many verbal salvos being fired at the frontrunners. Mr. Perfect (slick Mitt, I wonder if he ever got dirty while playing as a boy, Romney), was attacked on four fronts during Saturday's debate and had a hard time dishing it back.
On the Democratic side, we saw the other perfect hairdo (Edwards) join forces with Obama, the rookie who's been running on the buzzword, Change, to attack the old "status quo" who's clung on to a marriage with "slick Willie" just so she can go back to live in the White House that she misses so. Before she does she's got to swallow those CheeriOs (Oprah and Obama).
They left, the good old, caucus friendly evangelical christians from the state of Iowa riding a new mode of transportation called change to try and sell their wares to the cold, puritanical refugees from Massachusetts, who live in the land with the motto, "Live Free or Die."
Maybe it's because we've landed in an area that has seen record snowfall in December, that we've seen in a matter of days the word "change" snowball and make it's way on the lips of most of the presidential hopefuls. The message has gone from evangelical christians, to Reaganomics, to change - every political advisor has woken to the fact that America wants to see a change and even if they don't get it, they want to hear of a change in direction. So whatever America wants to hear, America is going to get promised. And that leaves the likes of Hillary to try to explain how being part of the status quo has also brought change.
It's interesting how you can also find yourself in trouble by changing as witnessed by this clever little come back by McCain to Romney on how he had recalibrated his positions on issues to make himself more attractive to Republican voters; "We disagree on a lot of issues, but I agree you are the candidate of change.”
Change, the noun has multiple meanings. Do Americans want:
A. an alteration (that Bush-Cheney suit has gotten a little too tight and we need to let it out a little so we can have a better fit)? or
B. a transformation ( we need a nose jobe because the Bush-Cheney pinocchio nose has become too long because of all the lies that they've told)? or
C. a substitution (the Bush-Cheney offensive tackles have tired and we need to substitute two others in their place)?
I don't know if it's any of these three that Americans want. I get the sense that Americans want a fumigation of the blood sucking, do nothing Washington politicians and lobbyists. They need to take all these old clothes and mattresses, seal them in a plastic bag and throw them in an incenerator.
America is looking for a leader to take over a ship that's been floundering in troubled waters and steer it back on course. It needs a leader who is not afraid to communicate and ask for help; a leader who is open minded and is willing to listen. America needs a leader who is willing to make many tough and unpleasant decisions. America needs a leader who doesn't label himself as a Democrat or Republican or Conservative or Liberal but simply a patriot who will follow the guidelines established by the constitution.
Who is the one among the six to eight that are left that you think is capable of doing the right thing for ALL citizens?
Who is the leader who could motivate you to sacrifice something or some part of your life for the betterment of all in this country? If you are destined to vote strictly along party lines, you are part of the problem and not the solution - for you, You don't want CHANGE.
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