Here we go again. I'm afraid that for the umpteenth time America is going to have a choice of the lesser of the two evils again for President. Evil Hillary and Evil Romney might be the frightening choices.
How can two people whose campaigns are continuously funded by special interest groups possibly be the deliverers of change? How will they ever sever their allegiances to the lobbyists for major corporations and special groups when these are the people who are funding their way to office?
I'm sorry folks, you can disguise the status quo in the form of a woman, a mormon, or whatever history making first you want to call it but it's still the same CRAP underneath and for the weary middle class it smells bad. All I can see is four more years of the same old stuff.
America might be celebrating a first this year, I just hope it's going to be the first time an independent candidate rises from the ashes in a month or two and wins the presidential race. Wouldn't that be a kick to Bill and Hill and Mitt and Huck and the rest of the same old same old.
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