This is what President Bush had to say about our oil problems;
"Our problem in America gets solved when we aggressively go for domestic exploration. Our problem in America gets solved if we expand our refining capacity, promote nuclear energy and continue our strategy for the advancing of alternative energies as well as conservation,"
Once again he's got it all backwards. He missed such a golden opportunity right after 9/11 to tell the American people that every one could help in the fight against terrorism by tightening their belts by conserving and using less gas and oil.
But no what does he do, he tells everyone to go shopping. He was so wrapped up in duping us that way he could get the approval from Congress to invade Iraq that he got himself and us in the mess we're in today.
The next seven months cannot go bye fast enough. I'm afraid that Bush isn't going to leave quietly, he's bound to make one more blunder that will really sink us and jeopardize the entire world.
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