
West Roxbury Is SUV Heaven

Today I drove up to the top of Millenium Park in West Roxbury and was amazed at the number of gas guzzlers that were parked there.

As I sat in my car sipping a cup of coffee while watching a bunch of kids playing soccer in the large field, I couldn't help but notice that one of every three vehicles that drove in was some sort of SUV. At first glance I thought that they were probably being used to transport five or six soccer players but my closer observation revealed no such thing, in fact the most people that I saw getting out of these vehicles were two.

I got out of my car and started to walk around the parking area and as I was walking I was taking a count of what was parked there around 3:00 PM. I counted a total of 66 vehicles. Out of a total of 66 vehicles I saw 2 pickup trucks, 3 minivans, and 33 SUVs making a total of 38 gas guzzling vehicles. I realize that West Roxbury is one of the most affluent parts of the city of Boston but a parking lot where 57% of the vehicles are gas guzzlers, I sort of wonder about the mental stability of some of these people. Don't they realize that bigger is NOT always better. Even my former high priced dentist realized this. He no longer drives a Hummer. He learned very quickly that the Hummer was a Bummer every time he was forced to make a pit stop for gas.

What's the fascination with big gas guzzling vehicles?

By the way, have you ever noticed that there are more women five foot two and under who normally drive these big babies.

At what point will people start to sell their SUVs? I used to think that the water mark would be when gas hit $3.oo/gal. but I was proven wrong. Maybe they're waiting 'til it hits the $4 mark.

I went back and sat in my car to finish my cup of coffee and thought, "What a waste of a precious natural resource." But then isn't that what we're good at?

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