Is anyone paying attention, or are we too gag-ga eyed over electing our first black president?
I don't particularly care if our president is black, white, green or macchiato in Starbucks lingo which was stolen from the Italian, I just want them to be competent.
Where I was 95% behind the stimulus package, I now doubt it's effects. How much of our children's future are we willing to borrow from in order to right this economic disaster of a ship that has run aground?
Why should I watch our children's future being turned over to the likes of CEOs like John A. Thain. Mr. Thain your story has caused me great pain?
How can our government bail out fools like Mr. Thain?
What were you thinking of sir when the company you were running and getting extremely well compensated for was losing $15.3 billion just in the fourth quarter alone, and you decided to reward your employees with annual bonuses?
What came over you sir when you decided to spend $68,000 for a credenza and $87,000 for a rug for your office? How dare you spend $1.2 million to refurbish your office and then ask for a bailout because your company was in trouble.
You spent approximately $150,000 on two items for your office while my mom scrapes by after toiling for over forty years in a sweat shop on $10,600 per year from social security. Do you realize that what you spent in the blink of an eye recklessly and foolishly would pay for almost fifteen years of her income?
Mr. Thain, do you know what it's like to get by on $250/wk? Of course not, you probably spent that on lunch today.
My anger is not as much with you sir as it is with our elected officials who have no qualms at throwing money at people that don't deserve it.
In my anger I wish that there was a way that you could be punished other than by losing your job. Losing your job does nothing to your pocketbook sir, because you have been so grossly and ashamedly overpaid that you'll have more than enough to live on with one year's salary and bonuses, no to mention the lucrative stock options.
You, Mr. Thain is what has gotten us into this mess, as much as you might have some grandiose opinion of your net worth. In my eyes sir you are worthless.
I've never been on welfare in my life and hope that I'll never have to be, but I'm tired of hearing people complain about some poor slob getting a few bucks from the government, when we're on the verge of giving a trillion to fools who run companies like Mr. Thain.
Mr. President, I hope you've learned a lesson from your predecessor. He declared a war on terror and only involved one percent of the population while the remaining 99% have not felt the impact. You are about to declare a war on the economic mess and are ready to give away a trillion dollars of our children's money to help out the one percent while leaving the remaining 99% to struggle for themselves or wait for these greedy CEOs to throw them some crumbs.
Make sure that whatever is handed out is done with attachments and stipulations that we will get in due time much of it back. Otherwise DON'T DO IT.
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